I was asked to make a hat for a young girl, who is apparently obsessed with the Steelers. I don't really have an opinion one way or another on professional football, but the Steeler's gold is a bit hard to come by in yarn. So I've substituted, and hopefully she'll be happy with the choice. The only picture I have right now is of a few hats to get an idea what the gift giver wanted.
I hope to add a blue, yellow, and red sequin to the brim of the hat in the formation, but I don't have anything for the word "Steelers" in the logo.
The pattern I used for all three hats (two pictured, along with a WIP) is the Divine Hat found at Rheatheylia.com. It it the easiest bang for your buck (time?) I have come across, and these three hats make numbers 5, 6, and 7 of that pattern I have completed.
I was playing with alternating color for the Steeler's hat when I came across a hat where the spirals are one color and the filler of the hat is another. Needless to say, I had to try it. That's the teal and blue small circle shown in the picture.
Emphasis on the small part.
Like three year old small.
Apparently I'm puling too tightly when I switch the yarn colors. So I'm making a hat for a three year old. It's a good learning experience at least, but as it's not coming out fantastically, it's burrowing to the bottom of the to do pile.
I did manage to make a completed Divine hat in a yarn I wasn't too crazy about, but now that it's finished I don't dislike as much.
I have enough yarn to (hopefully) make some mittens to go with it, because I've never made mittens, and why not? It's not like they need to be incredibly practical for the one time a year I'm in cold weather.
And finally, a picture of my wreath brightening up my front door. It looks so cheerful there against the dreary house paint!
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